POCUS: Meet the experts – 1 on 1 ultrasound teaching
For each participant we provide intensive 1 on 1 teaching and supervision in basic and advanced point of care sonography by an international and experienced staff. All subjects can be teached upon request of the participant. Upon stating their learning goals participants will be coupled to the most suited instructor based on their wishes.
Examples are (but not limited to):
- Basic applications (lung, basic cardiac, EFAST, aorta, IVC) with possibility to receive supervisioned scans or last minute training for Ultrasound exam
- US guided blocks & procedures (wrist blocks, IV acces, PENG blocks, serratus anterior block, arthrocentesis etc)
- Kidney, gallbladder ultrasound
- Advanced cardiac applications
- MSK ultrasound (shoulder, knee, ankle; ligemental leasions, effusions etc) skin infection/abscesses